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What Is a Disaster Protection Plan?

A Disaster Protection Plan helps you prepare your business for a disaster. Learn why you need a DPP and how to build a disaster recovery plan for your business.

Does your business have a Disaster Protection Plan (DPP) to ensure your business is prepared for disaster? From fires and floods to earthquakes and biohazards, an unexpected disaster could potentially shut down any business’s operations and leave it struggling to recover.

By taking a proactive approach with a DPP for your business, you’ll be prepared to handle whatever comes your way and have the steps in place to recover faster and protect your physical property, intellectual property, and revenue.

Keep reading to learn the details on what a Disaster Protection Plan is, and how business owners, managers, employees, and your overall business can prepare for the eventuality of a disaster.

Disaster Protection Plan vs. Business Continuity Plan

A DPP is a plan designed to help your business weather any kind of disaster, including forces of nature, fires, or biohazardous situations. By developing a DPP, independently or in partnership with your local Rainbow Restoration service providers, you can minimize risk to your business and facilitate a faster recovery time.

A DPP is similar to a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) or Business Continuity Plan (BCP).

Unlike a DRP, a DPP takes extra steps to include disaster prevention and a thorough business inventory. A good disaster protection plan will highlight everything your business owner, managers, and employees need to do to recover after a disaster.

The DPP will also include elements of a traditional BCP; however, a DPP is less about business functions and more about physical recovery following a disaster.

How to Create a Disaster Protection Plan for Your Business

Each company’s DPP will and should be specific to their industry, business, facility, and region. Your business is unique, and this plan needs to meet your needs.

To begin your DPP, start with the basics:

  • Inventory Your Business
    Prepare a full business inventory and keep it updated regularly so you can identify equipment, electronics, furniture, and other items in your business facilities.
  • IT
    Create an IT plan and back up all files to the cloud or set up secure external hard drives. Redundancy is key.
  • Communications
    Develop a communications plan to keep all managers, employees, and customers informed in the case of a disaster. Something as simple as an old-fashioned phone tree can go a long way in an emergency.
  • Emergency Systems
    Verify that all emergency systems, including smoke detectors, sprinklers, and alarms are in optimal working condition and test them regularly.

Choose Rainbow Restoration to Help Develop a Disaster Recovery Plan for Your Business

You may already have a Business Continuity Plan and a Disaster Recovery Plan for your business, but to ensure you are well prepared for a disaster, a Disaster Protection Plan is essential.

The professional restoration experts at your local Rainbow Restoration can help you develop a thorough DPP customized to expedite your business’s recovery.

Call to speak to one of our experienced team members or request an appointment online now to set up your customized Disaster Protection Plan.

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