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Tips and Hints

Top 5 Ways to Save Energy This Winter

Save energy
Ready for a whopping energy bill to go along with that pile of holiday gifts you received this year? We didn’t think so. That’s why we’re here to offer you a little help keeping some jingle in your pockets during the winter months – and the snowman in your front yard from melting due to global warming.

Drop your energy bills faster than the Times Square ball on New Year's Eve with these winter energy saving tips:

Deck the halls with LEDs.

Make sure your festival of lights don't drain your wallet along with the power grid with the help of LEDs. LED lights use up to 90 percent less energy than traditional incandescents, which cost $10/string for 40 days/12 hours a day of operation versus just 25 cents per string for the LED equivalent.

Tell leaks and drafts to “stuff it.”

Losing heat to air leaks and drafts is like throwing money out the window. Be sure properly seal leaks around windows, doors, chimneys, and venting. This simple fix can save you up to 20 percent on heating costs. Verifying proper insulation levels and adding more where necessary can save you some serious dough as well.

Give your HVAC system a little gift.

Replace your filters monthly and schedule a winter tune-up. This treat will not only boost efficiency and save you some green, but increase comfort levels in your home this winter as well. You can also help your system take a load off with the gift of a programmable or SMART thermostat, which prevents you from paying to heat an empty home, offering substantial savings - about 10 percent a year for those who turn down the thermostat 10 to 15 degrees for eight hours.

Add a special star to your holiday decorations.

The sun. It may only make a few rare, sparkling appearances in your area this winter, but when it does, open the blinds and drapes and let the sun shine in west and south facing windows to naturally heat your home – and save you 2-12 percent on heating costs.

Leave the tags on.

The Energy Star tag on qualified appliances, electronics, lighting and windows means savings – up to 30 percent in related electricity bills.

May your holidays be filled with safety, happiness and savings.

For more winter energy saving tips, click here.

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