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fire Safety

The Hidden Danger of Electrical Wiring: How to Prevent Home Fires

Electrical Fires

Does danger lurk, unseen, behind the walls of your home or business? Household fires can and do happen. Do you have the fire prevention tips you need to keep your home and belongings from going up in smoke?

Electrical Fires

A leading cause of home fires, electrical wiring accounted for 63 percent of fires from 2007-2011 resulting from electrical distribution or lighting equipment. In many homes, old or inadequate wiring is often to blame. How can you tell if your home is potentially unsafe?

  • Your home was constructed pre-1970.

Older homes may be hiding worn, loose, and/or antiquated non-metallic or knob and tube wiring.

  • Your home has multiple two-prong outlets.

Two-prong, ungrounded outlets offer excess electricity with no safe means of escape.

  • Lights dim when you turn on large appliances.

Dimming lights indicated overtaxed wires, circuits, and possibly electrical supply.

  • You have an extensive collection of extension cords and splitting devices.

If you have to disconnect one appliance to plug in another, and keep an array of extension cords and splitting devices at-the-ready, your wires and outlets are likely overused and at increased risk of fire.

  • You need to flip the breakers or replace fuses is “normal.

Overloaded wires and fuses can quickly result in a fire and indicate a pressing need for additional circuits.

  • You’ve never seen a “TEST” or “RESET” button.

Outlets in rooms with water lacking GFCI outlets put you at increased risk of shock and fire.

Ensure Electrical Fire Prevention

Proper electrical installation and grounding is best left to professionals. If your home has older electrical wiring (or any of the electrical issues listed above, have your home professionally inspected for safety to prevent your home from becoming a fire prevention statistic. For those adding, updating, or repairing electrical wires in the home, opt for licensed and insured professionals to ensure the utmost safety and quality of work.

Has your home fallen victim to an electrical fire? The caring professionals at Rainbow Restoration® have the skills to deal with fire-related heat, smoke and water damage. Contact us today.

For Further Reading:

7 Ways to Prevent Electrical Fires

Fire Damage: What To Do After the Dust Settles

How Does a Smoke Alarm Save Lives?

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