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Tips and Hints

Indoor Air Quality Restoration with These 5 Plants

Air Quality Restoration.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air quality is one of the top five environmental risks to public health. 87 percent of American homeowners are unaware that the air pollution in their homes may be worse than the pollution outside (two to five times worse on average, but sometimes as much as 100 times!).

Indoor air pollution does not discriminate; urban or rural locations are not factors in how densely your home is polluted.

The scary part? Nearly two million people die prematurely from illnesses or conditions connected with indoor air pollution.

The good news? You can restore your indoor air quality homeopathically by incorporating these plants into your home design!

  1. Aloe

This plant is hearty and easily maintained by a novice gardener. Aside from it’s abilities to clean your air, it’s gel is useful in treating burns and cuts. Keep it in a window – it loves the sun!

  1. Spider Plant (Cholorphytum Comosum)

Forget to take care of your plants? That’s okay – this is a good one for you. It battles a lot of the toxins used in the creation of leather.

  1. Gerber Daisy

It won’t even be obvious you are cleaning your air by setting a couple of these out. The big, bright blooms will help clean the air of toxins commonly coming home with your dry cleaning. Consider keeping it in your laundry or bedroom, but know that it needs LOTS of light to grow.

  1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

This is a good choice for the bathroom - it’s talents include formaldehyde filtering which is common in cleaning products, toilet care and personal products. This plant likes low light and humidity!

  1. Warneck Dracaena

This plant can help improve the air quality in rooms heavy with varnish and oil. It’s easy to grow even without direct sunlight and can reach an impressive height of 12 feet, if you let it!

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