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Celebrate Building Safety Month With Rainbow Restoration

May is Building Safety Month! Learn how you can observe Building Safety Month 2020 at home and at work with tips for disaster planning, cleaning and more.

May is Building Safety Month – the perfect time to learn a few things about disaster prep, building codes and the latest innovations in building safety. Have you ever wondered if your building is as safe as it can be?

Read on to learn more about Building Safety Month and get the expert tips you need from Rainbow Restoration to keep your residential or commercial property safe and secure all year long.

First, What Is Building Safety Month?

Started by the International Code Council (ICC) and celebrated widely by organizations like Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA.), the purpose of Building Safety Month is to raise awareness about the importance of building codes and code enforcement so homeowners, business owners and the general public can promote safety in the spaces in which they live, work, play and learn.

Making building safety a priority is something everyone should consider year round, but it’s great to have a month dedicated to the topic.

How Can You Observe Building Safety Month 2020?

This year’s Building Safety Month 2020 theme is “Safer Buildings, Safer Communities, Safer World.” Here are five ways you can take part in this month of awareness at home and at work:

  1. Plan, Plan, Plan!

Review safety plans for your home or business, including what you should do in case of a natural disaster, fire or other damaging event. Everyone in your household / all of your employees should be familiar with what to do in the event of a variety of disasters, including fires and floods. For example, make sure that everyone knows where to locate the fire extinguishers, building exits, and a prepared roster or checklist.

  1. Assemble Emergency Kits

Assemble emergency kits you can use to keep your family, employees or customers safe in the event of a disaster. If assembling a kit for home use, make sure you have enough non-perishable food, water, medications and toiletries to last for at least 48 hours.

  1. Update Emergency Equipment

Purchase emergency devices and test existing ones, including battery-powered radios, a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert, flashlights, extra phone chargers and backup phone batteries. Use this time to check the expiration of all items in your first aid kit and update as necessary.

  1. Plan for Upgrades

Consider building safety upgrades like storm shelters, fire sprinkler systems, alarm systems and other features to enhance the safety of your property.

  1. Develop a Disaster Protection Plan (DPP)

A DDP serves as a plan for communication during a disaster, role identification for family members and employees, and a way to expedite recovery and restoration efforts immediately following an event.

Celebrate Building Safety Month with a DPP or Recovery Plan

Do you need help with DPPs or recovery plans for your home or business? Turn to your local Rainbow Restoration for the professional guidance you need. Building Safety Month 2020 is the right time to give your property’s safety the attention and proactive planning it deserves. Request an appointment online now or call to get started.

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