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Rainbow Restoration of Tri-Cities, TN Blog

Fire Safety

Why Fire Damage Restoration in Kingsport Gets Tricky

Fire Damage Restoration.

Fire causes significant financial losses that break your budgets or ruin your day-to-day routines. While the financial aspect hogs most of the limelight, fire comes with many other problems that you may need help resolving rather than tackling them yourself. Some that you may readily notice include lingering odors and secondary issues such as water damage. These are just the tip of the iceberg, and the situation gets trickier as you attempt cleanup and repairs.

When fire damage restoration in Kingsport properties is appropriately done, it's possible to save money by salvaging items you may deem destroyed and limiting the secondary costs you incur when your property is inaccessible. Rainbow Restoration provides the personnel and resources necessary to facilitate smooth restorations.

Important areas professional restoration addresses:

  • Preparing documentation for insurance purposes
  • Removing peculiar smoke and soot residues
  • Indoor air quality evaluation

Some of these problems, like poor indoor air quality, may go unnoticed, especially once the smoke clears. However, particulate matter from ash and soot remains in the air or enters HVAC systems, where it is recirculated into the structure. When Rainbow Restoration professionals clean the air ducts and run air scrubbers, the air quality problem is addressed, allowing a comfortable and healthy environment.

Surfaces blackened with layers of soot are a typical outcome of fire incidents. What you might not anticipate is the cleaning challenge such soot accumulation might present. Soot can have unique properties that make it particularly stubborn to clean. Typical examples include soot from protein fire, which is greasy, and fuel oil smoke residues, which are pungent and stain materials. The condition of the surface can also toughen soot cleanup. Rainbow Restoration technicians are particularly wary of porous materials or old surfaces since soot penetrates them.

The different procedures undertaken to resolve fire damage take time and pile up costs. You may feel safe knowing you have insurance. However, improper documentation can make processing your claim a significant hassle. Proper documentation includes photos and videos of the damaged areas or valuables.

Rainbow Restoration of Tri-Cities, TN, is ready to assist when fire damage restoration turns tricky. Call for 24/7 emergency service.